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Hykoo makes more room in the social video space

Think the social landscape is full? Vine‘s got quick video covered. Meerkat and Periscope are taking care of Twitter livestreaming. Tumblr has got blogs handled, and Instagram will deal with beautiful social images.

So where is there room for more? Well, it’s kind of a combination of existing tools, but Gary Krieg said there’s still something missing – basically, it’s an Instagram for video called Hykoo.

“There’s a new creative class of people enabled by Instagram, but they haven’t quite seen the same adoption in video space,” Krieg said. “Vine has been amazing for people that want to be in front of the camera, and there’s also stop motion, but the rest of us didn’t quite know what to do with it. … We want to convert the Instagram photographers into Hykoo videographer.”

While Instagram is working on their own video component, Hykoo’s takes a fun twist on the traditional haiku. Instead of a haiku’s three lines, a Hykoo consists of three short video clips: a three-second clip, another three-second clip, and then a last clip that’s six seconds long. Each of those clips should have a short text message on top of it, and – in true Instagram style – you can also add a visual filter.

The rules for creating a Hykoo are simple, yet somewhat strict. It’s not possible to shoot just a single 12-second clip. The multiple clip format is essential in creating a narrative. As for the text, Krieg had this to say:

“So much of the context of why someone is making and sharing a piece of content lives outside of the image itself, so our format allows that information to travel together. And if someone says “I don’t know what to write”, I just point to their comments to demonstrate that they totally know what to say. Hykoo is a creative way of adding context to the visual story they want to share.”

A new social app…
Will it succeed in it’s space?
Only time will tell.

Sorry. Had to do it.

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